On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 12:21:44PM +0200, Joris Mocka wrote:
> ...this is a thing where i can't agree, in the last 6 month, all
> security-fixes were as soon implemented as in potato (i have both, so
> i'd compared). e.g. bind probs, man-db probs for mention a few. but i
> have also the security-link in my sources.list even under woody, maybe
> this is the reason why it works. 

security.debian.org is only for stable, it won't work on woody or
unstable since they almost invariably have newer versions then what
goes in security.debian.org.  the fact you have so far seen good
results with security is mostly chance.  if a security fix has some
dependency issue, or bug reports, it won't go in unless forced.

there is nothing guarenteeing fixes will go in and there is a good
chance they won't.  there isn't a security team for anything but
stable.  beware.  of course the same goes for unstable, if you use any
branch other then stable you are responsible for checking that
security fixes are getting made and installed, there won't be an

Ethan Benson

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