On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 01:37:29AM -0700, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> For the last time: I am saying that apt-get install should not immediately
> start a service, and it should not install the startup links in /etc/rc?.d.
> I could give a rats @$$ about what is Debian's base system.  Those aren't
> installed with apt-get install anyway.  I could give two $#1+$ about
> whether or not an OS is secure out of the box.  This is not a question
> about OSes, it's a question about installing packages that install 
> services.

oh so your trying to sluff your own ignorance and incompetence onto
debian because you installed a zillion services and didn't know what
they did thus opening lots of `security holes'.

yeah whatever.

what part of `don't install the service if you don't need it/don't
know how to configure it' don't you understand?  

Ethan Benson

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