Although you raise a very good point. I have a severe problem
with this notion of a "whitehat" cracker.

For example:

If I left the keys in the door and someone unlocked my door,
walked in and then called me and said "hey, stupid, i'm in your
home -- I'm calling you from there, see!".  I'd say "hey, thanks,
now get out!"  Its still an invasion, still wrong in the every sense
of what "wrong is".   Would I be happy that the person didn't
steal my television or rifle my closet, sure... I'd be happy.  But
I'd also feel sort of violated and "robbed".  Think about it.
Regardless of how "stupid" you are, the law protects people
that are dumb.  Why should computers be treated differently?

I think the point of a "cracker" being a white hat person only
goes so far.  To me, no cracker is a good cracker.  If everyone
knew that it was highly illegal and the penalty out weighed the
crime, we wouldn't be having this list, and we wouldn't be
having these discussion.

my opinion of course.. but I'm entitled to it.

BTW, as a related short story.

Last week my office was broken into.  The door was "jimmy'd"
and all that was stolen was a radio and a CD... shit, a $35
sony radio and an Elvis Costello My Aim is True CD (bastards!).
Anyway, when I called the police, they came in 15 mins, filed
a report and told me they actually might know who it was based
on an arrest that was made in the neighborhood. Great!!!

Now, when I think of what a "crack" or breach into my network
could do to my business, I get sick to my stomach.  This is far worse
than someone breaking into my office and stealing shit.  The real
problem is that I have people try and break in ALL THE TIME.
I mean hourly... Who do I call? The police? Hell no, they haven't
a clue.... To me, these attempts are far worse than some local
thug looking for a few items to jack...

See my point?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Metrix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 6:56 PM
Subject: Unidentified subject!

> > The descriptions of who and what a attacker are to
> > me besides the point. I'll never understand why
> > people want to put labels on someone trying to do >
>  something *bad* things to your box, I don't care >
> what kind of intelligence or expertise these jerks >
> have -- to me, they're equally appaulling.
>, would you rather a 'whitehat' got in your
> system. informed you what you did wrong, and fixed it
> for you? or a black hat who takes your data and uses
> it against you.
> >  "Thats illegal, how come if
> > someone try's to get into your computer, they aren't
> arrested.".
> > Hmmm... Mom has a good point.
> because, most people do not understand, hackers are
> not 'evil', they actually help people. sort of like
> someone walking past your house, they see a window
> open, and inform you, or break in.
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