alright, my users don't know how to do shell, and they can't change
passwords. now, i just upgraded to squirrelmail (upgraded because i had
IMP before, barf!), which has a plugin to change the password. it's TLS
encrypted, so not too much of a problem, but in testing out poppassd,
the underlying password changing daemon (usually used for Eudora), i
have just fainted:

(assume johndoe's password is mypw, and he changes to mypw2)

  200 seamus poppassd v1.2 hello, who are you?
  user johndoe
  200 your password please.
  pass mypw
  200 your new password please.
  newpass mypw2
  200 Password changed, thank you.
  200 Bye.

all good up to here:

  madduck@seamus:~> su johndoe
  Password:                       < enter "mypw"
  su: Authentication failure
  madduck@seamus:~> su johndoe
  Password:                       < enter "myNewpw"

now sit and chill, we'll just do it again:

  200 seamus poppassd v1.2 hello, who are you?
  user johndoe
  200 your password please.
  pass mypw                        <<<======== the old one !!!
  200 your new password please.
  newpass mypw3
  200 Password changed, thank you.
  200 Bye.

poppassd asks for the password, but it seemingly doesn't care!!! sure,
it runs as root, so it doesn't need it, but it should validate it!!!

(and yes, indeed, it *did* change the password.)

  madduck@seamus:~> su johndoe
  Password:                       < enter "mypw"
  su: Authentication failure
  madduck@seamus:~> su johndoe
  Password:                       < enter "myNewpw"
  su: Authentication failure
  madduck@seamus:~> su johndoe
  Password:                       < enter "myOtherpw"

it gets better:

  200 seamus poppassd v1.2 hello, who are you?
  user johndoe
  200 your password please.
  pass kjsdgkl                     <<<======== a totally random string
  200 your new password please.
  newpass abcabcab
  500 Invalid user or password

aha. smartie! *but*:
(recall that the password is still "myOtherpw")

  200 seamus poppassd v1.2 hello, who are you?
  user johndoe
  200 your password please.
  pass mypw2                       <<<========= *a* previous one
  200 your new password please.
  newpass another
  200 Password changed, thank you.
  200 Bye.

and it changed it again...

... which means that even though i bound to localhost only, any local
user can change any other one's password, even root's!

but it also means that i am confused. the man page and docs say
specifically that the proggie uses the passwd binary, and does not edit
/etc/shadow by itself. but while johndoe's password was md5 hashed in
/etc/shadow before all this happened, look at it now:


that's not md5! it's crypt()!

moreover, PAM never logged a passwd change, but poppassd logged to
/var/log/syslog itself.

now all this aside, maybe someone can explain to me the algorithm of
poppassd: apparently, it only lets you change your password if the old
password you provide with "pass" is the original or any of the passwords
that you had once used through poppassd. if you try other strings for
password, poppassd will deny the update. is this an inherent "feature"
of the crypt() hashes, or is something thoroughly screwed up? actually,
further testing established that when you change a password "mypw" to
"mypw2", both will work, if you then change it to "mypw3", all three
will work. however, if it starts out as "mypw2" md5-hashed, then the
other two won't work. i still don't understand it, and yes, the
passwords are all <8 characters!

if it uses /bin/passwd actually as root, it can't really check the old
password anyway, so that would explain why you can change anyone's
password. but then why did the third attempt, using the totally random
string as old password, fail???

well, let's look at the source... which is horrible, i find. oh well. it
talks about /bin/passwd all over, how it will is that binary as an
abstraction mechanism and all that, but it *never* executes passwd!!!
instead, it uses newusers, with its own encoded password, which is a
crypt(). great abstraction layer, given that the rest of passwd is md5!

okay, poppassd shouldn't be used anyway... well... still, this is a big
issue, i find... in fact, i'd almost propose kicking this package out of

any comments? is this a known issue? couldn't find anything on the
web... nor could i find a bug against poppassd, nor are there mentions
in the docs.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
the nice thing about windoze is - it does not just crash,
it displays a dialog box and lets you press 'ok' first.

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