Hi All,

Just checking our radius servers, I noticed that Cistron radius in potato is
still version 1.6.1, and I cannot see any notes of security updates for the
package in the changelog.Debian.gz file.

Andrew Tait
System Administrator
Country NetLink Pty, Ltd
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"It's the smell! If there is such a thing." Agent Smith - The Matrix

----- Original Message -----
From: "CERT Advisory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 6:43 AM
Subject: CERT Advisory CA-2002-06 Vulnerabilities in Various Implementations
of the

> CERT Advisory CA-2002-06 Vulnerabilities in Various Implementations of the
>                          RADIUS Protocol
>    Original release date: March 4, 2002
>    Last revised: --
>    Source: CERT/CC
>    A complete revision history can be found at the end of this file.
> Systems Affected
>    Systems running any of the following RADIUS implementations:
>      * Ascend RADIUS versions 1.16 and prior
>      * Cistron RADIUS versions 1.6.5 and prior
>      * FreeRADIUS versions 0.3 and prior
>      * GnuRADIUS versions 0.95 and prior
>      * ICRADIUS versions 0.18.1 and prior
>      * Livingston RADIUS versions 2.1 and earlier
>      * RADIUS (previously known as Lucent RADIUS) versions 2.1 and prior
>      * RADIUSClient versions 0.3.1 and prior
>      * XTRADIUS 1.1-pre1 and prior
>      * YARD RADIUS 1.0.19 and prior
> Overview
>    Remote  Authentication  Dial In User Service (RADIUS) servers are used
>    for  authentication,  authorization  and accounting for terminals that
>    speak   the   RADIUS  protocol.  Multiple  vulnerabilities  have  been
>    discovered in several implementations of the RADIUS protocol.
> I. Description
>    Two  vulnerabilities  in various implementations of RADIUS clients and
>    servers  have  been  reported to several vendors and the CERT/CC. They
>    are  remotely  exploitable,  and on most systems result in a denial of
>    service. VU#589523 may allow the execution of code if the attacker has
>    knowledge of the shared secret.
>    VU#589523  - Multiple implementations of the RADIUS protocol contain a
>    digest calculation buffer overflow
>      Multiple  implementations  of  the RADIUS protocol contain a buffer
>      overflow in the function that calculates message digests.
>      During  the  message  digest  calculation,  a string containing the
>      shared  secret  is  concatenated  with  a  packet  received without
>      checking  the  size of the target buffer. This makes it possible to
>      overflow  the  buffer  with  shared secret data. This can lead to a
>      denial of service against the server. If the shared secret is known
>      by the attacker, then it may be possible to use this information to
>      execute  arbitrary  code  with  the privileges of the victim RADIUS
>      server  or  client,  usually  root. It should be noted that gaining
>      knowledge of the shared secret is not a trivial task.
>      Systems Affected by VU#589523
>      * Ascend RADIUS versions 1.16 and prior
>      * Cistron RADIUS versions 1.6.4 and prior
>      * FreeRADIUS versions 0.3 and prior
>      * GnuRADIUS versions 0.95 and prior
>      * ICRADIUS versions 0.18.1 and prior
>      * Livingston RADIUS versions 2.1 and earlier
>      * RADIUS (commonly known as Lucent RADIUS) versions 2.1 and prior
>      * RADIUSClient versions 0.3.1 and prior
>      * YARD RADIUS 1.0.19 and prior
>      * XTRADIUS 1.1-pre1 and prior
>    VU#936683  -  Multiple  implementations  of the RADIUS protocol do not
>    adequately validate the vendor-length of vendor-specific attributes.
>      Various   RADIUS   servers   and  clients  permit  the  passing  of
>      vendor-specific     and     user-specific    attributes.    Several
>      implementations  of  RADIUS  fail  to  check  the  vendor-length of
>      vendor-specific  attributes.  It  is  possible to cause a denial of
>      service  against  RADIUS  servers  with a malformed vendor-specific
>      attribute.
>      RADIUS  servers  and  clients  fail  to  validate the vendor-length
>      inside  vendor-specific  attributes. The vendor-length shouldn't be
>      less than 2. If vendor-length is less than 2, the RADIUS server (or
>      client)  calculates  the attribute length as a negative number. The
>      attribute  length is then used in various functions. In most RADIUS
>      servers  the  function that performs this calculation is rad_recv()
>      or  radrecv(). Some applications may use the same logic to validate
>      user-specific attributes and be vulnerable via the same method.
>      Systems Affected by VU#936683
>      * Cistron RADIUS versions 1.6.5 and prior
>      * FreeRADIUS versions 0.3 and prior
>      * ICRADIUS versions 0.18.1 and prior
>      * Livingston RADIUS versions 2.1 and earlier
>      * YARD RADIUS 1.0.19 and prior
>      * XTRADIUS 1.1-pre1 and prior
> II. Impact
>    Both  of  the  vulnerabilities allow an attacker can cause a denial of
>    service of the RADIUS server. On some systems, VU#589523 may allow the
>    execution of code if the attacker has knowledge of the shared secret.
> III. Solution
>    Apply a patch, or upgrade to the version specified by your vendor.
>    Block packets to the RADIUS server at the firewall
>    Limit  access  to  the  RADIUS  server  to  those  addresses which are
>    approved to authenticate to the RADIUS server. Note that this does not
>    protect your server from attacks originating from these addresses.
> Appendix A. - Vendor Information
>    This  appendix  contains  information  provided  by  vendors  for this
>    advisory.  When  vendors  report  new  information  to the CERT/CC, we
>    update this section and note the changes in our revision history. If a
>    particular  vendor  is  not  listed  below, we have not received their
>    comments.
>  Apple
>      Mac  OS X and Mac OS X Server -- Not vulnerable since RADIUS is not
>      shipped with those products.
>  Cisco
>      Cisco  Systems  has  reviewed the following products that implement
>      RADIUS  with regards to this vulnerability, and has determined that
>      the  following  are  NOT vulnerable to this issue; Cisco IOS, Cisco
>      Catalyst OS, Cisco Secure PIX firewall, Cisco Secure Access Control
>      System  for  Windows,  Cisco  Aironet,  Cisco Access Registrar, and
>      Cisco Resource Pooling Management Service. At this time, we are not
>      aware  of  any  Cisco  products  that  are vulnerable to the issues
>      discussed in this report.
>  Cistron
>      You state 2 vulnerabilities:
>     1. Digest Calculation Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Cistron Radius up
>        to and including 1.6.4 is vulnerable
>     2. Invalid  attribute length calculation on malformed Vendor-Specific
>        attr. Cistron Radius up to and including 1.6.5 is vulnerable
>      Today  I  have  released  version  1.6.6, which also fixes (2). The
>      homepage  is  http://www.radius.cistron.nl/  on  which you can also
>      find   the   ChangeLog.   An  announcement  to  the  cistron-radius
>      mailinglist was also made today.
>      So everybody should upgrade to 1.6.6.
>  FreeBSD
>      FreeBSD  versions  prior to 4.5-RELEASE (which is shipping today or
>      tomorrow  or  so)  do contain some of the RADIUS packages mentioned
>      below:  radiusd-cistron,  freeradius,  ascend-radius, icradius, and
>      radiusclient.  However, 4.5-RELEASE will not ship with any of these
>      RADIUS   packages,   except   radiusclient.  Also,  note  that  the
>      information  you [CERT/CC] have forwarded previously indicates that
>      neither   Merit   RADIUS   (radius-basic)   nor   radiusclient  are
>      vulnerable.
>  Fujitsu
>      Fujitsu's  UXP/V  operating  system is not vulnerable because UXP/V
>      does not support the Radius functionality.
>      The bug was fixed in version 0.96.
>  Hewlett-Packard
>      We have tested our Version of RADIUS, and we are NOT vulnerable.
>  IBM
>      IBM's  AIX  operating system, all versions, is not vulnerable as we
>      do not ship the RADIUS project with AIX.
>  Juniper Networks
>      Juniper  products  have  been  tested  and are not affected by this
>      vulnerability.
>  Lucent Technologies, Inc.
>      Lucent and Ascend "Free" RADIUS server Product Status
>      Reiteration of product End of Life
>      February 14, 2002
>      The  purpose  of  this  announcement is to make official the end of
>      life of products based on the Livingston Enterprises RADIUS server,
>      and to reiterate the terms of the original license.
>      Prior to the Lucent Technologies acquisition of Ascend Communications
>      and Livingston Enterprises, both companies distributed RADIUS servers
>      at no cost to their customers. The initial Livingston server was
>      RADIUS 1.16 followed in June 1999 by RADIUS 2.1. The Ascend server
>      was based on the Livingston 1.16 product with the most recent version
>      being released in June 1998.  Lucent Technologies no longer
>      distributes these products, does not provide any support services for
>      these products, and has not done so for some time.
>      All of these products were distributed as-is without warranty,
>      under the BSD "Open Source" license with the following terms:
>      This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors
>      ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not
>      limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
>      a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright
>      holder or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect,
>      incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including,
>      but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
>      loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however
>      caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
>      liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any
>      way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the
>      possibility of such damage.
>      Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
>      modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
>      are met:
>      *  Redistributions  of  source code must retain the above copyright
>      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
>      * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
>      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
>      documentation   and/or  other  materials  provided  with  the
>      distribution.
>      *  All  advertising  materials  mentioning  features or use of this
>      software must display the following acknowledgement:
>      This product includes software developed by Lucent Technologies and
>      its contributors.
>      *  Neither  the  name  of the copyright holder nor the names of its
>      contributors  may  be  used  to endorse or promote products derived
>      from this software without specific prior written permission.
>      Under  this  license, other parties are free to develop and release
>      other products and versions. However, as noted in the license terns,
>      Lucent Technologies can not and does not assume any responsibility
>      for any releases, present or future, based on these products.
>      Replacement Product
>      The  replacement product is NavisRadius 4.x. NavisRadius is a fully
>      supported  commercial  product  currently  available  from  Lucent
>      Technologies.  Please  visit  the  NavisRadius  product web site at
>      http://www.lucentradius.com  for  product  information  and  free
>      evaluation copies.
>      Richard Perlman
>      NavisRadius Product Management
>      Network Operations Software
>      +1 510-747-5650
>  Microsoft
>      We've  completed  our  investigation  into  this issue based on the
>      information  provided  and  have  determined  that  no  version  of
>      Microsoft IAS is susceptible to either vulnerability.
>  NetBSD
>      Some  of  the  affected  radius  daemons  are available from NetBSD
>      pkgsrc.  It  is  highly  advisable  that  you  update to the latest
>      versions     available     from     pkgsrc.    Also    note    that
>      pkgsrc/security/audit-packages  can  be used to notify you when new
>      pkgsrc related security issues are announced.
>  Process Software
>      MultiNet and TCPware do not provide a RADIUS implementation.
>  RADIUS (previously known as Lucent RADIUS)
>      I wish to advise that Lucent Radius 2.1 is vulnerable to VU#589523,
>      but is not vulnerable to VU#936683.
>      I  have  made  an  unofficial  patch  to  this code to resolve this
>      problem.  It will be released in ftp://ftp.vergenet.net/pub/radius/
>      where previous patches to Radius by myself are available.
>  RADIUSClient
>      I've  just  uploaded  version  0.3.2 of the radiusclient library to
>      ftp://ftp.cityline.net/pub/radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2.tar.gz
>      which contains a fix for the reported buffer overflow.
>  Red Hat
>      We  do  not  ship  any  radius  software as part of any of our main
>      operating   system.   However,  Cistron  RADIUS  was  part  of  our
>      PowerTools  add-on  software CD from versions 5.2 through 7.1. Thus
>      while  not installed by default, some users of Red Hat Linux may be
>      using  Cistron  RADIUSD.  Errata packages that fix this problem and
>      our  advisory  will be available shortly on our web site at the URL
>      below.  At  the same time users of the Red Hat Network will be able
>      to update their systems to patched versions using the up2date tool.
>      http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHSA-2002-030.html
>  SCO
>      The  Caldera NON-Linux operating systems: OpenServer, UnixWare, and
>      Open UNIX, do not ship Radius servers or clients.
>  SGI
>      SGI  does  not  ship  with a RADIUS server or client, so we are not
>      vulnerable to these issues.
>  Wind River Systems
>      The  current RADIUS client product from Wind River Systems, WindNet
>      RADIUS  1.1,  is  not susceptible to VU#936683 and VU#589523 in our
>      internal testing.
>      VU#936683  -  WindNet  RADIUS  will  pass  the  packet  up  to  the
>      application.  The  application  may need to be aware of the invalid
>      attribute length.
>      VU#589523 - WindNet RADIUS will drop the packet overflow.
>      Please  contact Wind River support at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call
>      (800)  458-7767  with  any  test  reports  related to VU#936683 and
>      VU#589523.
>      We  are trying to relase a new and fixed version of xtradius by the
>      end  of the month (version 1.2.1).. Right now the new version is on
>      the CVS and we are testing it...
>      Current  version 1.0.19 of Yardradius (which is derived from Lucent
>      2.1)  seems  suffering  both the problems. I think I will release a
>      new  version  (1.0.20)  which  solves those buffer overflows before
>      your suggested date [3/4/2002].
>    _________________________________________________________________
>    Our thanks to 3APA3A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Joshua Hill and for
>    their cooperation, reporting and analysis of this vulnerability.
>    _________________________________________________________________
>    Feedback  about  this  Advisory  can  be  sent to the author,
>    Jason A. Rafail.
>    _________________________________________________________________
> Appendix B. - References
>     1. http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/589523
>     2. http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/936683
>     3. http://www.security.nnov.ru/advisories/radius.asp
>     4. http://www.untruth.org/~josh/security/radius
>     5. http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/3530
>    ______________________________________________________________________
>    This document is available from:
>    http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-06.html
>    ______________________________________________________________________
> CERT/CC Contact Information
>           Phone: +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
>           Fax: +1 412-268-6989
>           Postal address:
>           CERT Coordination Center
>           Software Engineering Institute
>           Carnegie Mellon University
>           Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
>           U.S.A.
>    CERT/CC   personnel   answer  the  hotline  08:00-17:00  EST(GMT-5)  /
>    EDT(GMT-4)  Monday  through  Friday;  they are on call for emergencies
>    during other hours, on U.S. holidays, and on weekends.
>     Using encryption
>    We  strongly  urge you to encrypt sensitive information sent by email.
>    Our public PGP key is available from
>    http://www.cert.org/CERT_PGP.key
>    If  you  prefer  to  use  DES,  please  call the CERT hotline for more
>    information.
>     Getting security information
>    CERT  publications  and  other security information are available from
>    our web site
>    http://www.cert.org/
>    To  subscribe  to  the CERT mailing list for advisories and bulletins,
>    send  email  to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please include in the body of your
>    message
>    subscribe cert-advisory
>    *  "CERT"  and  "CERT  Coordination Center" are registered in the U.S.
>    Patent and Trademark Office.
>    ______________________________________________________________________
>    Any  material furnished by Carnegie Mellon University and the Software
>    Engineering  Institute  is  furnished  on  an  "as is" basis. Carnegie
>    Mellon University makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or
>    implied  as  to  any matter including, but not limited to, warranty of
>    fitness  for  a  particular purpose or merchantability, exclusivity or
>    results  obtained from use of the material. Carnegie Mellon University
>    does  not  make  any warranty of any kind with respect to freedom from
>    patent, trademark, or copyright infringement.
>      _________________________________________________________________
>    Conditions for use, disclaimers, and sponsorship information
>    Copyright 2002 Carnegie Mellon University.
>    Revision History
> March 04, 2002:  Initial release
> Version: PGP 6.5.8
> T+9SnRCSxuRs8NtkBEWAYrHletfQ02C3v6As85Lqxl7nbYmXt3QrF88T+WNpv3r7
> AD7ZeRPeYdI=
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