On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 15:23, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 19:16, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 05:08:23PM +0100, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder 
> > > So the version from testing should do. You may want to download the
> > > source package and compile it yourself to avoid having to upgrade
> > > dependencies (I don't know, just speculating).
> > 
> > Why tell him that?  What the hell is wrong with the version of openssl
> > from security.debian.org?  There are no known security vulnerabilities
> > there.
> > 
> > Advising somebody to install packages from *testing* to get security
> > updates is very unwise.  Doing so would prevent them from getting a new
> > version of the package in the event that it's updated by the security
> > team again.
> Some might feel more comfortable with installing a package from testing
> than with modifying version checks in a configure script. But I agree
> that I probably should have said that testing, of course, does not have
> security support as do the stable versions.
> cheers
> -- vbi

Depending on when the notice came out, Testing may be the *WORST* choice
for security fixes - very few packages have moved from Unstable to
Testing for a couple months now, due to conversion to GCC 3.2 in Sid
among other things, and Security updates are generally only made to
Stable, Old-Stable, and Unstable - which then propogates to Testing.
Because of this roadblock in Sid, Sarge is noticeably behind on security

If you want to build from up-to-date sources with the hope of the
security fix for anything, go to Sid, otherwise, use security.debian.org
and stay with the Debian practice of back-porting security fixes
whenever necessary.
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935

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