Please configure your mail client to a) wrap at 80 columns and b) set

On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 04:13:43PM +0100, I.R. van Dongen wrote:
> Personally, I don't beleave /root should be used for any information that
> is 'dangerous' I personally use it sometimes for temp storage for .debs
> and such, before I move them to /usr/src.
> Therefor I don't really care what the default permissions are for /root.
> the files that need to be there (for example .my.cfg) need to have
> permission 600 or 700.

The fact that it shouldn't be used for storing any dangerous information
doesn't mean it's not being used for that. What I am asking, in case my
original mail wasn't clear enough, is why _shouldn't_ it be 750 or 700
by default?

Birzan George Cristian

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