I am looking for ways to expire the passwords on my systems.
However, since there are many users that use the systems without
logging in to the shell, the shadow aging mechanism won't cut it.
Apart from that, it's quite crap anyway. I already have a means to
change the password through a web interface, so now what I need is
a better aging mechanism and a notification mechanism.

I would like to be able to have users change the password every 90
days, but not before the password is 7 days old. Moreover, the
current password cannot be the same as the previous xx ones (13
would be appropriate here). Two weeks before the password expires,
the users is supposed to start geting a daily mail reminding her of
that fact.

Is this all possible, or am I stuck with the shadow aging mechanism
(which lies about the -I option to chage, or I didn't understand
it), and will have to write a custom notification script that parses


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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, and user
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