On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 08:44:08AM +0200, Christoph Moench-Tegeder wrote:
> > > So, I'm wondering, does anybody know about any such approach?
> > After getting sick of all the virus crap in my inbox I installed the
> > following in /etc/exim/system_filter.txt:
> This approach yields a high false positive rate. This can be a major
> annoyance on mailing lists, when you get unsubscribed because of a
> "matching" mail body. Your filter (which seems to be based on Nigel
> Metheringham's system_filter) does not parse MIME headers but just
> looks for filenames following Content-Type or begin.

I agree that it is not optimal.  However, as I don't run Windows I don't
expect to see any legitimate attachments whose file names match the
regex in that filter.  Same goes for the few other people who use this
mail server.  I would be much more careful about installing this filter
in a setting where dozens or hundreds of users may be affected by it.

And yes, it was based on Nigel Metheringham's filter.  I just
copy&pasted the chunks that I used.


Attachment: pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

  • Si... Kjetil Kjernsmo
    • ... Noah L. Meyerhans
      • ... Игорь Ляпин
        • ... Lars Ellenberg
        • ... Olaf Dietsche
          • ... Doug Winter
      • ... Christoph Moench-Tegeder
        • ... Noah L. Meyerhans
          • ... Christoph Moench-Tegeder
          • ... Pascal Weller
            • ... Christoph Moench-Tegeder
              • ... Christoph Moench-Tegeder
                • ... Michael Stone
                • ... Pascal Weller
                • ... Christoph Moench-Tegeder
      • ... Kjetil Kjernsmo
        • ... Yannick Van Osselaer
          • ... Jay Kline

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