On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 07:02:06PM +0200, Michel Messerschmidt wrote:
> Might be a side effect of the tools that were used.
> A quick scan with f-prot shows several infected files on the server 
> www.slacks.hpg.ig.com.br: 
> www.slacks.hpg.ig.com.br/bin/rh  Infection: Unix/Osf.A

This is an exploit to an OpenSSL bug.

> www.slacks.hpg.ig.com.br/bin/mass  Infection: Unix/Osf.A

This is a 'massive' scanner

> www.slacks.hpg.ig.com.br/bin/co1  Infection: Unix/Osf.A

This is another OpenSSL exploit (written in Portuguese)

> www.slacks.hpg.ig.com.br/psyBNC.tar.gz->?->psybnc/makesalt  Infection: 
> Unix/Osf.A
> www.slacks.hpg.ig.com.br/psyBNC.tar.gz->?->psybnc/psybnc  Infection: 
> Unix/Osf.A 

Both of these are programs to setup IRC daemons and relays IIRC. See:

> But AFAIK none of these viruses is able to get root rights, so the attacker 
> must have got root rights before.

Well, they are not virus themselves. The fact that f-prot labels them as
such is that they usually are part of some massrooter, worm or trojan, but
they can be (and are) used independently.



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