
On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 13:33, Marc-Christian Petersen wrote:
> On Friday 19 September 2003 17:59, Brian Rectanus wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> > I cannot get STARTTLS to work with the newest snendmail in unstable.  It
> > *always* complains that the key file is group readable!  Now, before you
> > scream RTFM, I did use GroupReadableKeyFile!
> please copy "/usr/share/sendmail/examples/starttls.m4 to /etc/mail/tls and 
> execute 'sendmailconfig' after you copied the file over.
> It's an updated file you have to use by now. You should have read the install 
> message by the sendmail update and the changelog too ;p
> You have to do the same with SASLv2 m4 if you use SASLv2.

Yeah, I had done that (for tls and sasl).  It puts this in submit.cf:

O DontBlameSendmail=    ,GroupReadableKeyFile

I thought maybe that screwed things up starting with a comma, so (as I
wrote earlier) I just added a straight

define(`confDONT_BLAME_SENDMAIL', `GroupReadableKeyFile')

to give

O DontBlameSendmail=GroupReadableKeyFile

But *neither* work.  Both put GroupReadableKeyFile in submit.cf, and
seem to ignore it, giving me:

STARTTLS=server: file /etc/mail/tls/sendmail-common.key unsafe: Group
readable file

> > Anyone else see this?
> yes, Solution above. Anyway, even after that, TLS does not work anylonger. I 
> always get "verify=NOT" if I try to send mail with my other clients. 
> 8.12.9-latest from SID before 8.12.10-1 works fine.
> --
> ciao, Marc

I have gone to using the stable version until a fixed version is in


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