On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 05:31:05PM +0100, Andreas W?st wrote:
> Hmmm, so what? Are these problems somehow tied together? Furthermore,
> what is the probability that the system has really been cracked, and the
> logcheck message is not a false positive? I wonder, because it's not a
> server machine, it has no services running, except the dhcp client
> listening on a port. Nothing else.

It sounds to me, from the symptoms you described, that /var has somehow
been mounted read-only.  Check that first.

You don't have much evidence that it's a security issue at this point.
Logcheck's "active system attack" messages rarely indicate such a thing.
Don't do anything drastic like reinstall the system until you've got
better evidence that you've been cracked.  In this case, I doubt you


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