On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 09:42:08PM +0100, Horst Pflugstaedt wrote:
I think, keeping politics and extremist declarations outside Debian
also means, that he/we should not declare such thoughts using official
debian mail-addresses. Using corporate addresses means assigning those
declarations to debian and thus putting politics _inside_ debian.

I have never endorsed any particular political point of view while using my debian.org address. I feel rather uncomfortable with the way the thread has been going; could you clarify whether you meant that I actually had done such, or just that it was a bad idea for anyone to do it?


Address: 13685 Hilton Road, Surrey, BC V3R5J8 (Canada)
Contact: 604-951-4142 (between 7am and 10pm, PST)
Website: http://reactor-core.org

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