I believe that the permissions are changed to allow a logged in user to
access that terminal.  The permissions are handled and reset by the
appropriate log in service.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -lh /dev/pts/3
crw-------    1 plhofmei tty      136,   3 Apr 19 16:47 /dev/pts/3

Other than that...I have always noted the /dev/tty and /dev/pts devices
to always be secured and owned by root.  I have been using Debian since
Potato-- (been so long, I forgot what the code name was...)

On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 at 04:15:41PM -0400, Stephen Gran wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Matt Zimmerman said:
> > On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 09:31:27PM +0200, Jan Minar wrote:
> > > % ssh kh
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
> > > Linux kontryhel 2.4.26-jan #3 SMP Mon Apr 19 05:00:00 CEST 2004 i686 unknown
> > > % echo 'Morning, Mister root, welcome to a jail 8-)' > /dev/tty63
> > > % while :; do echo -e '\033[12;63]' > /dev/tty63; done
> > 
> > The relevant permissions are more restrictive with udev:
> > 
> > crw-------    1 root     root       4,  63 2004-03-17 16:23 /dev/tty63
> And on a newly installed sid box:
> crw-------    1 root     tty        4,  63 2004-03-23 16:49 /dev/tty63
> No udev here.  Previous installs may have had bad permissions, but
> current ones do not.  Perhaps, Jan, if you're interested, file a bug
> against makedev or one fo the other associated packages, asking them to
> check the permissions on these devices on upgrade, and correct if
> necessary.  Seems trivial enough to do.  A patch would probably not
> hurt.
> -- 
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
> |   ,''`.                                          Stephen Gran |
> |  : :' :                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> |  `. `'                      Debian user, admin, and developer |
> |    `-                                           http://www.debian.org |
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------

Phillip Hofmeister

wget -O - http://www.zionlth.org/~plhofmei/key.asc | gpg --import

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