On Sun, Sep 05, 2004 at 06:17:36PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> I was not aware of this, and I consider it a horrible state of
> affairs. Seriously, if this becomes public, Debian is in serious
> trouble, I think.

I always believed this to be a public list.

Seriously though, all open-source projects have, in one way or another,
different ways in which trusted parties can introduce trojans. The more
they approach the bazaar model (vs. the cathedral model) the more the
risks.  It's a known risk of the bazaar model. Even an upstream author's
trojaned system could introduce a trojan in the source code itself and that
could be propagated to _all_ distributions including it if it was not
caught in time [1]. Doesn't a saying go "don't trust code you have not
written yourself".

You could improve the way Debian handles auto-builders [2] and the way
developers prepare and submit new packages to reduce the risk, but there's
no way you're going to remove it completely.

BTW, one of the advantages of the releases freeze is that this kind of
unexpected behaviour might be detected and fixed (given enought eyes and
testers). Unless, of course, somebody coded a good-enough time bomb that
knew when Debian was going to be released before we did, and was stealthy
enough until a new version was released.



[1] Those Trojans that we are aware of were detected in short notice after 
the mirror server or source was compromised.

[2] Actually, signing releases is not the correct way since auto-bulders 
run sid and sid is not a signed release. Apt 0.6 might support signed 
releases but I will not prevent some of the attacks Goswin described.

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