On Wednesday 23 March 2005 10:31 pm, Krzysztof Jóźwiak wrote:
> Hello!
> My web server was hacked a few days ago and I decided to install some
> new program and modules which improve security.
> I find in sarge libapache-mod-chroot which chroot apache (and it work
> fine) but I can't send mail from php.
> I installed ssmtp in chroot (I think so) in chroot environment but it
> doesn't help :(
> Does  anyone use this module? Perhaps I do something wrong with it ssmtp...
It has been my experience that PHP doesn't work with ssmtp, at least not with 
the default ssmtp/PHP configurations in Debian.

It's probably better to install exim with a minimal config anyways, so you 
don't lose messages if the smarthost/target system is unavailable.

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