On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 01:33:33PM +0000, Nick Phillips wrote:
> Michael Stone wrote:
> > And I still think this is a stupid reason for us to be allowing a security
> > problem to sit around--how many people run dns servers on machines with
> > dynamic addresses?
> Loads. How many people use IP masq to let their bunch of Win98 clients share
> their net connection? How many ISPs give static IPs? QED.
> It should probably be an install-time option.

Erm... 'usepeerdns' and stuff...

Another thought to throw into the fray.. What was that package that asks you
for your local & external interfaces, then goes and ballses up a default
firewall for you? ... Maybe some integration there could be fun.

How many people wanting to run bind need it listening on their ppp0 interface,
which comes & goes merrily with dialups, rather than their eth0s and let the
outgoing forwarded requests get masqueraded?

Just my $0.01..

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