Dear list members,

First of all let me state where I stand.

I've been using Linux (Debian) for one year now. During this year I've
learnt quite a lot but on the issue of network and security I'm a
complete newby.

Now I think I have a security problem (although it is not exclusively
mine). The problem is as follows:

I am the administrator of three PCs in a local network. They all have
real IP adresses.

Sometimes, withou any aparent reason, some of the computers in this
network start producing network trafic without any aparent reason. I do
netstat and there is no indication of a network conection. I do "tcpdump
host machinename" and I get a series of:

17:32:27.620336 > icmp: echo

not necessarily with the same machine adress (
The increase in the network trafic can be as high as 50kB/s.

This is not a Debian or Linux specific problem as it also hapens on
another machin running Digital Unix, but on the other hand, if I change
one of the PCs from Linux to Win NT4 the problem stops. It reapears when
I change it back to Linux.

Can you help me? Can you point me to some document I might read to find
information related to this subject?

Thanks in advance,

Nuno Faria

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