i recently noticed something odd about the way forwarded ssh-agent
sessions work:

when i use ssh-agent and allow it to be forwarded to another host
(trusted of course) i noticed that the remote agent does not appear to
drop privileges, notice how the socket and socket directory are
created in /tmp:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ll -d /tmp/ssh-ONn15369/
drwx------    2 eb       root         1024 Jul  1 12:53 /tmp/ssh-ONn15369/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ll /tmp/ssh-ONn15369/
total 0
srwxr-xr-x    1 eb       root            0 Jul  1 12:53 agent.15369

two problems i see here, 1) the agent is not dropping gid=root
privileges when creating the socket, and 2) the agent is not setting a
proper create mode when the actual socket is created, the socket
should have 0600 permissions IMO, even if it is protected by a `gate'

and then i noticed this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ps aux | grep 15369
root     15369  0.1  1.8  3244 1724 ?        S    12:53   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
eb       15398  0.0  0.5  1260  480 pts/0    S    12:59   0:00 grep 15369
[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ps aufx | grep sshd
root     14037  0.0  0.9  2240  944 ?        S    Jun28   0:06 /usr/sbin/sshd
root     15369  0.1  1.8  3244 1724 ?        S    12:53   0:00  \_ 
eb       15400  0.0  0.5  1260  480 pts/0    S    12:59   0:00          \_ grep 

why isn't a ssh-agent process forked to handle the socket?  instead we
have a fully root owned process listening on a socket, is that safe?

Ethan Benson

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