On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 10:07:37PM -0400, Matthew W Miller wrote:
> {Big Snip}
> How would a quota stop the user from stuffing /var to its limit? Isn't
> that part of the problem where the user could stuff /var and hemorrage the
> logs?

hmm quota seems to stop that just fine here:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ cd /var/lock/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lock]$ df /var
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda8              1032088    298940    680720  31% /var
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lock]$ cat /dev/zero > bloat
/var: warning, user disk quota exceeded
                                       /var: write failed, user disk limit 
   cat: write error: Disk quota exceeded
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lock]$ df /var
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda8              1032088    314260    665400  32% /var

now what quota (nor moving /var/run/screen) will NOT fix is stuffing
/var via /usr/bin/logger (that is just a bit more work then the above)

Ethan Benson

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