On Sat, Jan 13, 2001 at 05:15:30PM +0200, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:
> a thing. Is port-scanning considered vandalism? Should I report the
> addresses to somewhere?

This is a subject of debate in security circles.  Some believe that
portscanning is an indication of malicious intent and should be treated
as such.  Others believe that portscanning is harmless and merely a sign
of curiosity.  I fall into the latter category.  I know my machines are
secure; I go to great lengths to ensure that they don't expose any known
weeknesses to the world.  If someone wants to portscan me, they're
welcome to it.  They'll find that there's not much of interest on my
systems.  I get portscanned a lot, but rarely attached.  It seems like
you're pretty aware of what's going on on your network and would notice
if an attack was made.  In that case, I wouldn't bother reporting a
simple port scan.

>   What makes me curious is the fact that no ip came from the same
> geographical area. Literraly the ips resolved to machines from all the
> continents of the world! As if I was under global attack! :-)
> Of course these could be spoofed, but surely that is a really tough feat
> just for port-scanning.

It's also conceivable that the scanning machines were actually
compromised themselves, and that the scanning was being done
automatically in an attempt to find more target boxes.

>   Lastly, what tool should be considered good for periodic checks on the
> system files? tripwire? cops? i know tripwire is packaged but is there a
> better alternative, tripwire being non-free and all that...

Tripwire is no longer non-free.  Version 2.3, a major update from the
version available in Debian, has been released under the GPL.  Go to
www.tripwire.org to learn more.  The files are available on sourceforge.
It takes a while to build a good policy file, but it's very good at
detecting system changes.  2.3 is also significantly faster than the old

> PS. I am not in the list, so I would appreciate it if you cc'd your
> replies to me.

If you're really interested in keeping your machines secure, I suggest 
subscribing to the list.  Traffic isn't too high (I don't even bother
dedicating a mailbox to it) and the discussion is valuable.


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