> Use proftpd. It supports anonymous users and users that have /bin/false as
> shell in the /etc/passwd which makes logins via ssh/telnet impossible.

This is exactly what I needed.  I gave the user a /bin/false shell, and
then in /etc/proftp.conf, I added an anonymous section for that user
such that a password is required, but a valid shell is not.  ProFTPd 
takes care of the rest.  Perfect!

Thanks for all of the responses from all of you.  Quick, useful conversations
like this are one of the things that makes using Debian enjoyable. ;-)


Kenneth J. Pronovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Personal Homepage: http://www.skyjammer.com/~pronovic/
"The phrase, 'Happy as a clam' has never really held much meaning for me."

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