On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 11:15:03AM +1000, Shane Machon wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have reciently loaded IPPL onto a server, now I get barraged with the
> following messages in syslog (Running Debian 2.2)
> Mar 29 10:02:51 ###### ippl: ICMP message type destination unreachable -
> bad port
> from localhost [] (>
> This occurs every couple of minutes?
> Any ideas?? Is it a security risk?

i bet its biff.  many MTAs do biff notification, which tries to
connect to something called comsat (run from inetd if you have it) on
the localhost.  in postfix you can set biff = no in main.cf.  also
procmail likes to do this as well.  im not sure how to stop procmail
from doing it.  just told ippl to ignore it:

ignore icmp type 3 from localhost

Ethan Benson

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