On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 09:33:08PM -0300, Peter Cordes wrote:

>  It's not hard to find (once you to look for it:):

I looked for it. See below.

> bigfoot:~# apt-cache search less console
> aview - An high quality ascii-art image(pgm) browser

# apt-cache search less console
E: You must give exactly one pattern

> bigfoot:~# apt-cache show console-log
> Package: console-log

# apt-cache show console-log
W: Unable to locate package console-log

I use potato, bigfoot is woody, right? ;)

> Description: Keeps a less syslog running on tty9
> console-log keeps your syslog and your exim mainlog running in a less

That sounds good, thanks!

> apt-cache is your friend.  Learn how to use its features :)

I have already but it's not easy to find a package which is not
available. ;)


Janto Trappe    Germany     /* rapelcgrq znvy cersreerq! */
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