Samu wrote:
> last night i did a chown -R nobody. / as root.
> i tried to establish the right owner of all files, so i start to check
> how to do that under debian ( i remembered it was possible under rh) and....
> surprise nothing.
> so i started to manually changin owner of my files ( with the help of another
> machine debian too).

If you have a backup you can use it to get the owner/group for 
every file at that time.  Using a short perl script one could 
take a listing of a backup and use it to apply the owner and 
group to each matching file.  You should even be able to get 
back thisngs like the sticky bits if you bother to interpret 
that data from the backup.

A tripwire database file will also have that information.

|  Bryan Andersen   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   |
| Buzzwords are like annoying little flies that deserve to be swatted. |
|   -Bryan Andersen                                                    |

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