On Thu, 24 May 2001, Rudy Gevaert wrote:

Hello again,

Some people suggested ippl, I installed it, and it runs.  It works :-)

Some other people, said I should use portsentry.  And I look for it on the
website, and it is a tar.gz file, but in the unstable section I can find a
deb file. But I'm using stable.

Will this give any problems? Or can I just download it?  I think I will
have to add a line to my apt-get config file.  Right?

Again, thanks in advance,


 ____  ___  _   _  ___
|_  / / _ \| | | |/ __|  e:[EMAIL PROTECTED] phone: 0486/690159
 / / |  __/| |_| |\__ \  url: http://studwww.rug.ac.be/~rgevaert/
/___| \___| \__,_||___/  http://zeus.rug.ac.be

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