   I pulled this off of the Mutt list [http://www.mutt.org]
   Put this in your .muttrc config file
   set editor="vim -c 'set textwidth=72'"

   OR add the following to your .vimrc config file:

   " set the textwidth to 72 characters for replies (email&usenet)
   au BufRead .letter,mutt*,nn.*,snd.* set tw=72


   PS> Your English has already improved since your last post!  8`)

Thusly Thwacked By [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Ok guys, thanks for all. I like english and I'm trying to learn it.
> Ah, one thing, I use "vim" and "mutt", how could I wrap the lines at 72 
> characters?
> Thank you.
> Bien tios, gracias por todo. Me gusta el ingles y estoy intentando aprenderlo.
> Ah, una cosa, uso "vim" y "mutt", ¿como podría cortar las lineas a 72 
> carácteres?.
> Gracias.
> -- 
> yoros

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