>From Hubert Chan on Thursday, 21 June, 2001:
>>>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph Pingenot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>below).  Although if you volunteer to make it happen... :-)
>Hubert> Changing all the packages to work properly wouldn't be a simple
>Hubert> task.  (Not saying that it's a bad idea, though.)
>Joseph> Aside from the issues of creating a unified command line
>Joseph> interface, I don't see how.
>Well, the problem isn't in creating the wrappers (IMHO).  It's in making
>the front-ends work with the wrappers: it wouldn't be as simple as
>doing a search-and-replace for pgp with dpgpw.  Some programs (I'm sure
>that x-pgp-sig-el isn't the only one) think that they know something
>about the pgp implementation, and so making these programs work with the
>wrapper might require some extra effort.

*Now* I see what you're referring to.  Too many trees....  Can't see
  forest....  :)
Although it *sounds* complicated (and probably is), an interim
  solution could be a 3-tier (3-animal? :)  approach:

  0) Application calls, say, pgp with pgp syntax.
  1) A pgp-xlat package (?), maintained by the PGP person, is used
      to translate the pgp commandline to the generic commandline.
      It would create a PGP->dpgpw translation, invoking dpgpw at
      the end.  PGP wouldn't necessarily need to be installed, only
      pgp-xlat, which would have a pgp->dpgpw translation wrapper in,
      say, /usr/bin/pgp.  If PGP happens to be installed, it could be
      called, say, /usr/bin/pgp-real.
  2) dpgpw then uses the dpgpw-<implementation> wrapper to translate
      the generic syntax to the implementation-specific syntax
  3) the implementation is called and all goes on as if pgp were
      actually called.

The only prolems are:
  a) This is pretty complex
  b) This involves even *more* packages to be installed.  This point could
       be minimized if all pgp implementers worked together to create a
       *single* pgp-xlat package containing their specific translations
       to the generic commandline.  Hrm.  Or all translations could be
       bound up into the ever-less-virtual generic pgp package.
  c) This *still* doesn't address the problem brought up before of the
       different implementations' different, well, implementations. :)
  d) This requires work and lots of coordination.
This would *might* go a *ways* to making *most* front-ends be able
  to use *most* pgp implementations, but the best solution still remains
  getting frontend developers and pgp implementers to sit down and
  unify on these things.
Sure is a fun puzzle to problem-solve, though.  ;)

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