
--- Pedro Zorzenon Neto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    This program needs to read data from a file and
> also write to other file.
>    I could use some options like this:
>       $ avrprog -i input.data -o output.data
>    But I chose to use stdin/stdout instead.
>       $ avrprog < input.data > output.data
>    Than I don't need to check if the user has
> permission to read/write that file, don't need to
> check for symlink... because the shell will do this
> for me.
>    Is this right? Did I make the right option when I
> decided to use stdin/stdout.

I think, the better way is to use freopen() function
to reassign stdin, stdout and stderr.
This is more secure and shell-independant desision...

Regards, Vladislav. ---> http://cybervlad.port5.com

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