On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 10:34:56PM -0500, Dana J. Laude wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 06:27:00PM -0700  Jacob Meuser wrote:
> IMHO, no distribution is secure out of the box.  Hell,
> even OpenBSD has had major blunders in their lastest
> release.  Security is, after all... an ongoing issue
> that needs to be dealt with *all* the time.
I couldn't agree more.  I never said OpenBSD was more secure than
Debian.  I merely pointed out that I think their policy of not starting
services (perhaps I should qualify that as "services that are added
to the default base system") is a good policy.

The only reason I suggested that is because, IIRC, this thread started
with someone bashing M$ because they say its easy to administer their
products.  I have heard a lot of advocacy for Debian based on ease 
of use.  That's the problem, it's too easy to put yourself in a bad


PS We don't give guns to children, do we?

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