On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 05:33:34PM +0200, Rudy Gevaert wrote:

> This weekend I got a strange log:
> Unusual System Events
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Aug 11 06:25:03 alhandra su[3584]: + ??? root-nobody
> Aug 11 06:25:03 alhandra PAM_unix[3584]: (su) session opened for user
> nobody by
> +(uid=0)

This is root (uid=0) becoming nobody.  It's surely a cron job that is setup
to change user to nobody before running.  The locate package runs updatedb
as nobody every day, for example.

Steven Barker                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Woolsey-Swanson Rule:
        People would rather live with a problem they cannot
        solve rather than accept a solution they cannot understand.
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