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>>>>> "Samu" == Samu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Samu> hi, this is just a curiosity, i think is not so security related,
Samu> aniway...  if i made a package by my self, or from deb sources, of
Samu> a package that already exist on to the debian db, and my "local"
Samu> package is called as the official one, when i run then dselect or
Samu> apt, they overwrite my local pkg for the official one.  i have to
Samu> explicity "hold" the local package to not to have overwritten.
Samu> why ? they aren't checked only for the version number ?

If your package is the same version number as the official one, but are
different (I guess different MD5 sums and/or size is how apt checks it),
then apt will try to reinstall.

Add an entry to the debian/changelog.  For example, if the current
release is 4.5-2 (just pulling a random number out of the air), then add
an entry calling it 4.5-2.1 or something like that.

- -- 
Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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