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>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Michael> Ahhh, but this is quite easily guessable, since for most stuff
Michael> you type, the server echos it.  For passwords, it doesn't.
Michael> i.e.  just watch the SSH session, and when you see packets
Michael> going to the server that aren't being echoed you know the
Michael> person is typing a password and you can count the characters.

IIRC, this was one of the problems with SSH1 that was fixed in SSH2 (the
protocol version, not the program version).  I think that SSH2 will
always send back some packet to the client -- either a dummy packet, or
a real packet.  Dang, can't remember where I read that.


Michael> The problem with man in the middle attacks is that people far
Michael> too easily click on "Yes" when asked to accept a key that has
Michael> changed (or type in "yes" when asked a similar question by
Michael> SSH.)

Yup.  The biggest security hole is social engineering.

- -- 
Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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