On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 08:56:59AM +0800, Marcel Welschbillig wrote:
> Dose anybody know of any programs i could use to open a port on a debian 
> box and log the data that comes in to a file ??

Well, for totally raw data you could use netcat.  Try
nc -lp PORT > FILE

This will only listen for one connection then quit, however.  I'm not sure
if thats what you want.  Its a place to start, anyway.

Steven Barker                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Goldenstern's Rules:
        (1) Always hire a rich attorney
        (2) Never buy from a rich salesman.
GnuPG public key: http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~scbarker/pubkey.asc
Fingerprint: 272A 3EC8 52CE F22B F745  775E 5292 F743 EBD5 936B

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