Hash: MD5

well,first you gotta chill..:>>
do you have a lan there? is your debian a gateway/router for the lan?
maybe you use a masquerade for some of those computers..
there can be an aplication in windows that connects through that port
to the internet.
so like if that port is always changing perhaps there is traffic on
your network,and the windows applications connect to the internet on
those ports.note them and mail them here :>
hackers unsupport.

sli> hi, when I make nmap I read my open ports more one suspect (every time is
sli> one new port). So I make nmap another time and I read my realy open ports
sli> without the last.

sli> ....?????

sli> what is it ?

sli> example:
sli> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ nmap debian

sli> Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor ([EMAIL PROTECTED], www.insecure.org/nmap/)
sli> Interesting ports on debian (
sli> Port    State       Protocol  Service
sli> 23      open        tcp        telnet
sli> 25      open        tcp        smtp
sli> 111     open        tcp        sunrpc
sli> 2020    open        tcp        xinupageserver
sli> 6000    open        tcp        X11

sli> Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1 second

sli> 2020 ???????????????????????????

sli> now I make nmap another time:
sli> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ nmap debian

sli> Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor ([EMAIL PROTECTED], www.insecure.org/nmap/)
sli> Interesting ports on debian (
sli> Port    State       Protocol  Service
sli> 23      open        tcp        telnet
sli> 25      open        tcp        smtp
sli> 111     open        tcp        sunrpc
sli> 6000    open        tcp        X11

sli> Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1 second

sli> the port is not the same every time !!!!

sli> _____________________________________________________________

sli> Sebastian Ezequiel Ovide

Version: 2.6


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