Thus spake Gleb Arshinov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> /etc/passwd seems intact

Have a look at /etc/shadow.  I'm not sure if password changes touch
/etc/passwd if you're using shadow passwords.  Just a thought. 

> So, what could have caused ssh/telnet to hang like this while ftp
> worked fine?  

Check your local messages log and the remote one using the shell that
you already have while you attempt a login.  

> What else should I check for break-in signs?  

Do you have debsums?  I believe this will check the MD5 sums of your
packages.  I've only played around with it, so I'm not positive.  

> PS I'll include current ps aux:

As a rule, especially on a colo box that's gonna sit by itself from time
to time without you on it, you should take away all services and add
what you need.  A firewall would be good too. 

> root       169  0.0  0.5  1148  644 ?        S    08:23   0:00 /sbin/rpc.statd

Do you use NFS?  If not, get rid of this. 

> root       193  0.0  0.4  1300  552 ?        S    08:23   0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd

I assume you use this for telnet and FTP.  Make sure other services are
commented out in /etc/inetd.conf.  

> root       201  0.0  0.4  1352  560 ?        S    08:23   0:00 /usr/sbin/lpd

Do you print from this machine?  If not, get rid of this. 

> nobody     256  0.0  2.0  3616 2596 ?        S    08:23   0:00 
> /usr/bin/X11/xfs-xtt -user nobody

Don't really need font serving on a colo box. 

> root       260  0.0  1.2  1556 1548 ?        SL   08:23   0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd

Do you use this?  I think it's for time synchronization serving, though
it might be a client.  Maybe try rdate if you just need a client.  

> daemon     265  0.0  0.4  1140  544 ?        S    08:23   0:00 /usr/sbin/atd

If you don't use this, get rid of it.  Malicious users can schedule
tasks for when they're not logged in.  

Just a couple thoughts on ways to tighten things. 

Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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