On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 02:06:56AM -0200, phadell wrote:
> hello there,
> I would like to do a rule that mirror the packets that incoming from a 
> portscanner. 
> The rule must return the packets to the source.  If anyone scan my machine 
> ports, the result will be the list of source address open ports.
> Anyone could help me with this rule?

/sbin/iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j MIRROR -m psd

The psd module is something you'll have to get from the patch-o-matic
from the netfilter sources.

#!perl #                       Life ain't fair, but root passwords help.
# Eric Veldhuyzen                                       http://terra.nu/
$!=$;=$_+(++$_);($:,$~,$/,$^,$*,$@)=$!=~                 # [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/.(.)...(.)(.)....(.)..(.)..(.)/;`$^$~$/$: [EMAIL PROTECTED] $_>&$;` #Perl 

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