Juha J?ykk? [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   There is a "small" point of binding to port 25. Only root can do
> that. I have not looked at exim's code, but if run as a stand-alone
> daemon (i.e. not from inetd), I would guess it just opens the port as
> root and drops the priviledges right away. Someone who knows the code
> might want to confirm/rebuke this.
>   On the other hand, if exim is run from inetd (as I do), does it
> still need to be suid root? Since inetd runs root anyway, there should
> be no need for exim to: the port is already bound when exim starts and
> exim will not be able to bind to it anyway. Just wondering if I should
> do some dpkg-statoverrides.
well this is not a problem.  (x)inet works by using stdin/stdout rather than
network ports.  This is why you have to tell whatever service you are
superserving its being run from (x)inet.  Hence you do not need to have root
privilages as no ports are being opened, even if they were there would be an
error as the os says "sorry port already claimed" or words to that effect.


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