On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 11:29:22PM -0600, Warren Turkal wrote:
> On Saturday 24 November 2001 03:28 am, Johannes Weiss wrote:
> > So, because of this my question is: Is 3des secure enough??
> The putty website (search for it on google) has something to say about 
> the security of des algorithm, which AFAIK it doesn't support.

It is important to distinguish between DES and 3DES.  DES, which
cryptographically secure (i.e. there is no known flaw in the algorithm)
uses too short a key to be considered secure.  3DES is a great deal more

I was not able to find references to the PuTTY author's opinion on the
security of DES or 3DES on his web site, but I do know that PuTTY does
support 3DES, if not DES.

Also, it is worth noting that if you use the standard unix crypt(3)
passwords, then you are using a variant of DES which has the addition of
the 16 bit salt.


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