On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 10:53:13AM -0500, Brian P. Flaherty wrote:
> Josh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > hmmm, im a bit of a newbie here, but how do you bind a
> > daemon, eg telnetd to a certain nic?
> Try running xinetd, if you aren't already.  In each service
> block, you can use the 'bind' option, which ties the service
> to a NIC's IP address.  Someone please correct me if I am
> wrong, but I think this effectively keeps the service from
> listening on other interfaces.

You should still firewall the port on the interfaces you don't
want it to listen on, since the above is not sufficient to block
connections when you have other people on the same subnet as

There was a thread on one of the Debian lists a week or two ago
(probably this list) with a subject something like "Can a daemon
listen on only one interface?" where this was discussed.
Someone (can't remember his name) pointed out that the above is

Michael Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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