On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 11:18:35AM +0300, Nyarlathotep wrote:
> On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 03:22, Howland, Curtis wrote:
> > Naa, it's simian posturing. It happens with humans everywhere. I 
> > enjoyed watching it in Good Will Hunting, and two days ago rented 
> > Finding Forrester (same movie, different actors), and sure enough 
> > lots of simian posturing. "You dare to challenge me in MY classroom?" etc.
> Oh yes. The alpha chimp syndrome. Second-circuit through and through. 

    No, more of "locking horns". 

> > I can suggest the writings of Jeff Cooper for a better exploration of the 
> > kinds of attitudes and processes that are now missing, and R.A.Heinlein for 
> > lots of fictional explorations of the issue. 
> May I humbly say anything by Tim Leary or Robert Anton Wilson you can
> lay your hands on? 

    Also the book "The War Against Boys", Christina Hoff Sommers, ISBN

    Relevance to security? 

    Well, a lot of the "script kiddies", having been denied traditional
    means of "locking horns" turn to other means. 

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