I'll flame you now because you were wrong (As you requested).  IPCHAINS works 
with 2.2, IPTABLES works with 2.4...

<touches Curtis on the shoulder> yes you are sizzling now.... <G>

-----Original Message-----
From: "Howland, Curtis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Debian-Security" <debian-security@lists.debian.org>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:13:56 +0900

Please flame me if I have this backwards, but I believe ip_tables only works 
under 2.2.x and earlier kernels, and the 2.4.x kernel introduced ip_chains and 
is incompatible with ip_tables.

You have to use the right one, even thought the package/module for both shows 
up (at least in Woody) and loads, but if you're using the 2.4 kernel the 
earlier stuff just "fails" like you're describing.




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