Alain Tesio writes:
 > Hi, I'm releasing the first version of makejail

I've successfully tested your makejail with syslog-ng (i'm currently
running two syslog-ng processes, one of them chrooted and listening
to udp connections on my network, the other for local machine). The only
thing i've noticed is that the  <chrooted-dir>/var/log directory wasn't
created by the makejail program, but i suppose i should have add it to
the forceCopy option of the config file. I would also notify another
evident thing : due to the fact i'm running two syslog-ng servers
on my machine, the configure script killed all of them => normal. And
last thing, the program created some path-to-libs it doesn't need
(no libraries for the running program in those path) that i removed
after the configuration.

Well your program is simple and efficient 5 minutes to recreate the
jail i've created before in about 30 minutes, it sounds good.


PS: i know syslog-ng has a chroot option, but i like to have all the stuff
in a separated place.

Davy Gigan
System & Network Administration          [Please no HTML, I'm not a browser]
University Of Caen (France)       [Pas d'HTML, je ne suis pas un navigateur]

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