On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 02:18:48PM +0800, Anthony Wishart wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm experiencing delays of around 1 - 1.5 minutes during/right after the
> authentication stage of ipop3d on a debian stable system. Everything works
> fine if i check mail locally (through the eth0 interface, or localhost).
> However if any external machines go to check their mail, they connect fine,
> put in user, put in pass, then there is a delay before you can list
> messages. Has anyone seen this before? i thought it could be a host lookup
> issue, however this has been working fine for months and the problem has
> only cropped up in a day or so. I dont think its a disk access issue on the
> mail file either.

Perhaps a firewall between the machine and the remote hosts you were testing
from has been reconfigured to drop (not reject) outbound requests for the
ident service?

It is common for pop daemons to check ident for anyone who connects to them
(but I don't know about ipop3d specifically).  The 1 - 1.5 minute is about
the right amount of time for the tcp connection to time out if it's dropped
somewhere along the way.

If that is the problem, your solution is either to fix the firewall to not
drop ident lookups (reject will usually work), or to configure ipop3d to not
do to lookups in the first place.  I would say that the first is probably
better as many other services (SMTP comes to mind) also do ident lookups on
anyone who connects to them.

Hope that helps.

Steven Barker                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Do not think by infection, catching an opinion like a cold.
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