On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 01:00:51PM +0100, Daniel Kobras wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 10:31:02AM +0000, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
> > The firewalling I have in place only allows incoming connections for
> > ssh. UDP is locked down so only DNS works there. And by mistake (fixed 
> > now), 
> > it also allowed incoming DHCP requests from the internet.
> Careful here.  The first DHCP request from a freshly booted machine
> doesn't carry a local IP address (but either or random crap).
> So make sure you don't filter by IP address, but by interface at most.

Yep. My mistake was just to filter by protocol + port number, and
ignoring the interface.

By now I have found that I only have dhcpd listening on eth0 (my
internal network).  Which means that dhcpd was completely irrelevant
here. Sorry about the wild goosechase.

Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
* JHM wonders what Joey did to earn "I'd just like to say, for the record,
  that Joey rules."
        -- Seen on #Debian

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