On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 04:55:31PM -0700, Tom Dominico wrote:
> When woody goes stable, though, I want to move on to whatever "testing"
> is at that point.  That's why I had been using "testing" in my
> sources.list rather than explicitly saying "woody"; I thought it would
> make it easier to stay current.  Is it better to explicitly state
> "woody" in your sources.list, and then change it when woody is no longer
> the name for testing?  Thanks.

Testing doesn't get security updates, so when the next testing comes
along, its directory on security.debian.org, if it exists at all, will
be empty.

The only reason woody is getting security updates now is that it's so
close to release this provides a good opportunity to give the new build
infrastructure a shake-down.


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