On Sat, Aug 03, 2002 at 11:00:36PM +0200, Arne Schwabe wrote:
> Hi,
> today i saw lot of connection attemps to port 12980 on my
> machine. Because that are many[1] and they came from different hosts i
> am wondering what is going on here.
> Arne
> [1]
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]/var/log$ grep "Aug  3" kern.log | grep 12980 | wc -l
>     628
        This questions are starting to become somewhat of a FAQ.
My answer is, if you do not know what port is related to an attack you
are receiving it might be worth checking:

- To see which ports are actively being probed/attack: 
http://isc.incidents.org/ or http://www.dshield.org/ 
(https://analyzer.securityfocus.com/ seems to have had this 
info previously but does not seem to make it public
anymore). More specifically: http://isc.incidents.org/top10.html

- To see what service might be associated to a given port check

        Unfortunately a search in any of these regarding 12980
didn't return a thing so you might want to report it to ISC.



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