This one time, Vincent Hanquez wrote:
> > /etc/shadow on Linux:
> > test:$1$mT.fKI5L$Fgq6C.AKbkzGfCU.RDDqj.:11929:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134549020
> > 
> > /etc/shadow on Solaris:
> > test:TCs9gC4bJy8rg:11929::::::
> > 
> > the hashes are quite different .. ;(
> you use MD5 password on your linuxbox.
> you should downgrade your crypt to normal hash password

Isn't this a security list? :) Why would anyone downgrade a hash?
All my hashes are MD5 based, and I haven't had a problem copying
password hashes out of Solaris.

              .-"".__."``".   Anne Carasik, System Administrator
 .-.--. _...' (/)   (/)   ``'   gator at cacr dot caltech dot edu 
(O/ O) \-'      ` -="""=.    ',  Center for Advanced Computing Research    

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