Hello Debians,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Renzmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <debian-security@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 8:35 AM
Subject: "suspicious" apache log entries

> [Sat Aug 31 21:03:49 2002] [error] [client] request failed:
> erroneous characters after protocol string: CONNECT
> mailb.microsoft.com:25 / HTTP/1.0

I've seen tons of ../script/ and ../cmd.exe's  as I've got several machines
with fixed ips.
klopm:/# cat logs/access_log | grep cmd.exe| wc -l
starting at 07/Feb/2002 at only one IP. And this machine has got 33IPs.

But this request you mentioned was new to me too - seems like I've missed
something at bugtraq/vulnwatch etc..;-)

here it appears the first time:
########################################################## - - [30/May/2002:16:24:20 +0000] "CONNECT
mx1.mail.yahoo.com:25 / HTTP/1.0" 405 231 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE
5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"

on only one ip - in end of May. The next request comes in 2 weeks later:
########################################################## - - [15/Jul/2002:01:23:06 +0200] "CONNECT mxs.mail.ru:25
HTTP/1.0" 404 194 "-" "-"

without useragent! some aSSk!cKiNG VB-script  I guess.
now it seems to start. yesterday I got 39 request the first time.
seems to be new...

As they want to connect to some mail server, I guess this are spammers
for new ways to spread their impotent news. Thats why there are not so much
because kids cant find any "my files" - I guess.

Has anyone seen some Anti-Nimda/Code Red  beside
http://www.eye-net.com.au/csmall/myscripts/nimda.html  ?
I'd like to send out some abuse-mails to RIPE or the ISP in addition to the
as I belive most of the attacks are done by kids instead of infected
This one is a bit more complicated as one needs the whois for the IP and I
dont have the time to work on this
for myself....

Over 15000 request on one IP *33 at about 240 byte make round about 100MB
traffic and
over 60MB logfile for nothing

thanks and best regards,

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