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Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, what would try to connect to my system's port 16001 and 111 from
> within my own system? Should I be concerned? Should I expect the worst?
> Any insight on this issue would calm me down...

Oh, and I forgot to mention, that the connection attempts to port 16001
all took place within one hour, and _many_ attempts fit within one
second. So, there was, for example 15 attempts to port 16001 within,
say, 14:55:26. And when I checked syslog, I could see, that in the
same hour, minute and second there were these entries:

Oct 14 14:55:26 erpland gnome-name-server[18084]: starting
Oct 14 14:55:26 erpland gnome-name-server[18084]: name server starting
Oct 14 14:55:27 erpland gnome-name-server[18166]: server_is_alive: \
        cnx[IDL:GNOME /Panel2:1.0] = 0x80556f0 
Oct 14 14:55:28 erpland gnome-name-server[18207]: server_is_alive: \
        cnx[IDL:GNOME /Panel2:1.0] = 0x8055ab0 
Oct 14 14:55:29 erpland gnome-name-server[18223]: server_is_alive: \
        cnx[IDL:GNOME /Panel2:1.0] = 0x8055cc0 
Oct 14 14:56:30 erpland gnome-name-server[18388]: server_is_alive: \
        cnx[IDL:GNOME /control_center:1.0] = 0x8055d90 
Oct 14 14:56:54 erpland gnome-name-server[18391]: server_is_alive: \
        cnx[IDL:GNOME /control_center:1.0] = 0x8055d90 
Oct 14 14:58:17 erpland gnome-name-server[18422]: server_is_alive: \
        cnx[IDL:GNOME /Panel2:1.0] = 0x8056078 

Were these port 16001 connection attempts gnome-name-server's "fault"?
Yeah, I installed GNOME yesterday and lots of new stuff got into my
computer, but I've seen this port 16001 and sunrpc connection attempts
before, too. But I take, that this is somehow related to GNOME?

- -- 
Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | <http://erppimaa.ihku.org/> | <0x1410081E>
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


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